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Our MECF Supporters
We cannot help our neighbors without the support of our community.
The MECF raises and spends over $71,000 annually to purchase toys, clothing, grocery and gift cards. We strive to use our monetary donations to support the Madison shops and restaurants in the town we love.
We thank the following businesses for often providing discounts or other contributions to our charity.
54 Main Street
Adam's Dental
Alfred's Sporting Goods
Ann's Nails
Baba's Bakery
Bagel Chateau
Bagel Nosh
Bottle Hill Tavern
CJ's Deli
Coldwell Banker
Crowley Cupcakes
Madison Rotary
Dr. Sam Romano
Firehouse Pizza
Formaggio's Pizza
Italian Village Pizza
Jungle Juice
La Rosa Chicken
Madison Bagel
Madison Pharmacy
Marc Anthony Salon
McCool's Ice Cream
Nautilus Diner
Noon Tea Creperie
The Bar Method
The Pink Pear
Romanelli's Pizzeria
Stop & Shop
Suburban Shoes
Sunday Motor Co.
Sugar Rush
Tino's Artisan Pizza
Tons of Toys
Tony Boys
T&J Sunoco
The Waverly
The MECF also sincerely thanks its community partners, who are critical to our work.
Madison Elks Lodge #1465
Madison Housing Authority
Madison Public Schools
Madison Rotary
Madison Area YMCA
Pine Acres Nursing Home
​Presbyterian Church of Madison
St. Vincent Martyr Church
Thursday Morning Club
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